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The Daily Recap - Monday 18th July 2022

Your daily dose of news stories in the world of intersectional feminism.

Monday 18th July 2022

Alcohol Is No Longer Banned in Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory

For the first time in 15 years, alcohol restrictions will be lifted in Aboriginal communities across the Northern Territory.

Back in 2007, the Howard government introduced the Northern Territory Intervention policy in an attempt to combat violence and sexual abuse within Aboriginal communities.

The Intervention led to to more police presence in Aboriginal communities, the ban of pornography, and 50% of welfare payments withheld from recipients.

For years First Nations activists have opposed this policy as it disempowered Aboriginal people and violated their human rights.

Government warning sign outside Aboriginal community. Source: ABC News

With the alcohol restrictions finally lifting, 32 town camps, 12 remote communities and 215 homelands and outstations will now be able to choose whether or not they want their communities to have access to alcohol.

Jaru woman and Top End health worker Marianne Skeen says she welcomes the change.

"I always advocate they should stop doing these interventions, stop doing stuff for us and let us be self-sufficient and run our own lives," she says, "basically, I’m sick and tired of the government stepping in."


Israeli Court Continues To Postpone Their Decision Regarding the Administrative Detention of Khalil Awawdah

For the past 137 days Khalil Awawdah has been on hunger strike in protest of his administrative detention.

Despite Khalil's deteriorating health, the Israeli military court of Ofar continue to ignore his demands and postpone any decision-making regarding his imprisonment.

Under international law, administrative detention is considered illegal.

Amnesty International has described the detention policy as a "cruel, unjust practice."

Israel continues to hold an estimated 680 Palestinians in administrative detention.

These Palestinians remain in detention without charge or trial for periods up to six months, which can be renewed indefinitely.

Reports indicate Israelis will often detain Palestinians based on "undisclosed evidence," that often cannot be viewed by the detainees and their lawyers.


Hundreds of Women In America Sue Uber

**Trigger Warning - This story discusses sexual assault, kidnapping and sexual harassment. If this story is triggering please contact 1800 RESPECT. **

Over 550 women are suing Uber after allegedly being assaulted by their drivers.

Slater Slater Schulman have filed a civil action suit against the ride-share app and will be representing the female passengers.

According to a statement released by the U.S law firm, the victims claim they were "kidnapped, sexually assaulted, sexually battered, raped, falsely imprisoned, stalked, harassed or otherwise attacked" by Uber drivers.

The lawyers claim Uber continues to "prioritise growth over customer service" and the company's response to assault allegations remain "slow and inadequate, with horrific consequences."



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