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  • Writer's pictureDemi Lynch

Josh Frydenberg Claims The Morrison Government Helped Young Women and Their Finances

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg claims the Morrison government has helped young women with their finances during the pandemic.

He says young women have benefitted the most during Morrison’s time in Parliament due to tax cuts and increased child care subsidy.

“Young Australian women under 24 have seen the amount of tax paid decline by more than 20 per cent, the largest percentage decline in the amount of tax paid compared to every other cohort,” Frydenberg says.

However, the Treasurer’s attempt to woo the female voters is unsurprisingly, incredibly misleading.

Research continues to show that young women have been most affected by Covid-19 in Australia.

Girls and women between the ages of 15 to 24 make up 7.5 per cent of the labour force, yet 58% of job losses in late 2021 were young women.

Reports also show that young women without post-school education accounted for the most jobs losses across all age and education groups during the pandemic.

According to recent polls, only a third of Australian voters are satisfied with Scott Morrison as Prime Minister.

So really it’s no surprise to see Morrison’s government begging for more votes.

But this narrative about how Scott Morrison is helping young women financially is just embarrassing and honestly desperate.




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