There is renewed push for New Zealand to adopt the te reo Māori (Māori langauge) name and have the land be called Aotearoa.
A petition calling for the country to change its name has recently submitted to the nation's parliament for consideration.
It also calls on the government to officially restore the original te reo Māori names for all towns, cities and places right across the country by 2026.

The petition was launched by members of the Māori party, they say adopting the name 'Aotearoa' will "unify the country."
"Others are trying to use it is a divisive tool, but this is an inclusive tool, where our ancestors consented to us all living on this whenua [land] together," says Te Pāti Māori leader Rawiri Waititi, "New Zealand is a Dutch name - even the Dutch have changed their name – from Holland to the Netherlands, for Christ’s sakes!"